While working on a Laravel project I realized that new Laravel applications by default will use SQLite meaning that when you create a Laravel project the SQLite database and tables will also be created for the project.
To make it easier to view and edit the data in the SQLite file it would be best to have a VSCode plugin edit the SQLite data.
After searching and going through plugins I came across the best one which is SQLite3 Editor.
How to add the extension
Adding VSCode extensions is easy, just click the Extensions icon on the left menu and then type SQLite into the search text field which will show a list of SQLite extensions.
On the extension page click the Install button to add the extension and wait for it to be installed.
Now go to a sqlite file, for a laravel project it will be located inside of the databases folder.
You will be shown the table view for the selected database table which can be changed by clicking the blue dropdown menu.
The data can be edited by clicking any of the values and changing them.