Laravel 11 Features

This page is a quick summary of all the changes made with Laravel version 11.


Version 10 will have security fix support until February 4th 2025.

Version 11 will have security fix support until March 12th 2026.

Version 12 release date is Q1 2025.

Structure changes

The following directories have been removed by default

  • app/Console
  • app/Exceptions
  • app/Http/Middleware

The following files have been removed by default

app/Providers folder

  • AuthServiceProvider.php
  • BroadcastServiceProvider.php
  • EventServiceProvider.php
  • RouteServiceProvider.php

config folder

  • broadcasting.php
  • cors.php
  • hashing.php
  • services.php
  • view.php

routes folder

  • api.php
  • channels.php

By default API is not installed, use the following command to install API / Laravel Sanctum

php artisan install:api

By default SQLite is the default database engine

New features

New artisan commands are available.

php artisan make:class
php artisan make:enum
php artisan make:interface
php artisan make:trait

New route available to check status of Laravel app.


New method once