Dockly - Manage docker containers in the terminal

The best CLI tool to manage docker containers in my opinion is Dockly, the GitHub page has more information available on the tool.


How to install with Node.js

The best way to install this tool is to use the node package manager to install dockly as a global node module.

npm install -g dockly

After installation try running dockly to check that it works.


How to install with Brew

This step requires brew to be installed on your machine which can be installed on MacOS and Linux. More information can be found on the website at

Use the below command to install dockly.

brew install dockly

After installation try running dockly.


How to use

After running dockly the terminal switches to the dockly view inside of the terminal.

Here is a summary of what you can do.

  • View all docker containers with ports, uptime, container ID and name.
  • Logs for selected container
  • SSH to container
  • Start, stop and restart containers
  • Container CPU and memory usage
