How to setup up an alias list of commands

When working with the terminal it’s useful to set up a custom list of alias commands that you often use to shorten the commands you type and run commands you can’t remember how to execute in the terminal.

Use the following command to create / open the alias file.

nano ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/aliases.zsh

Below is my custom list of alias commands I use and will keep up to date as I use multiple machines.

# Show custom alias list
alias list="cat ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/aliases.zsh"

# Main
alias dc="docker compose"
alias hosts="cat /etc/hosts"
alias sshlist="cat ~/.ssh/config"
alias ip="curl"
alias localip="hostname -I | cut -d' ' -f1"

# Commands
alias cat="bat"
alias ls="eza"
alias ll="eza --group --header --group-directories-first --long"

# Flatpak
alias wine="flatpak run --command=wine io.github.fastrizwaan.WineZGUI"
alias winez="flatpak run io.github.fastrizwaan.WineZGUI"
alias dolphin="flatpak run org.DolphinEmu.dolphin-emu"

This list is taken from my main machine which is running Ubuntu.

Here is a list of pages to install the required tools to get the above commands working.

