So I’m finally going to make the switch to the JavaScript runtime bun.js after using node package manager (npm) for so long.
To install bun on macOS / Linux run the following command.
curl -fsSL | bash
To make the bun command available add the following to the .zshrc file
export BUN_INSTALL="$HOME/.bun"
export PATH="$BUN_INSTALL/bin:$PATH"
Run bun in the command line to make sure it’s working.
Running a file
Create a file named index.tsx with the following content inside of the file.
const server = Bun.serve({
port: 3000,
fetch(request) {
return new Response("Welcome to Bun!");
console.log(`Listening on localhost:${server.port}`);
Then use bun to run the file.
bun index.tsx
Go to http://localhost:3000 in the web browser and you should see the string output.
More commands
Use watch flag to check for changes and re-run.
bun --watch index.ts
Extra info
Use the main website to check for guides on how to use bun with frameworks and libraries.