How to install the Bee Keeper Studio AppImage in Ubuntu

After installing the latest version of Ubuntu (24.04) I ran into issues when trying to install Bee Keeper Studio so this guide is to show how to set it up in Ubuntu.

How to setup

I decided to go with the AppImage version of Bee Keeper Studio as I ran into issues trying to run the debian version.

Use the wget command to download the AppImage file.


Set the execute permission to the AppImage file.

sudo chmod u+x Beekeeper-Studio-Ultimate-4.3.1.AppImage

Try and run the AppImage.


When I ran it for the first time I received the following error.

dlopen(): error loading

To resolve the above issue I installed libfuse2.

sudo apt install libfuse2

Try running the AppImage again.


Next error I received was related to running sandbox mode.

The SUID sandbox helper binary was found, but is not configured correctly. 
Rather than run without sandboxing I'm aborting now.

The —no-sandbox flag is needed to run the AppImage.

./Beekeeper-Studio-Ultimate-4.3.1.AppImage --no-sandbox

After getting the app to run I would pin the app to the dock so I can access it easily. However when trying to run Bee Keeper Studio from the dash it will also have the same sandbox issue.

Open the script used for the Pinned Bee Keeper Studio icon.

nano "/opt/Beekeeper Studio/beekeeper-studio"

Every line used to execute the application should be replaced with the following to include the —no-sandbox flag.

exec "$SCRIPT_DIR/beekeeper-studio-bin" "--no-sandbox" $USER_FLAGS "$@"

After saving the file changes click on the pinned icon to be able to open the app from the dock.